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Take Your Inspiration from the Stars


With some of the world’s most sought after stylists and fashion designers behind them, it is no wonder that so many of us choose to turn to our favourite film stars, singers, TV presenters and models as inspiration for our own fashion choices. Whether it’s a red carpet gown or a capsule holiday wardrobe, many of us feel that we have lots to learn from the stars. Here’s a look at how celebrity fashion scanning can help you to look great:

It is important to remember that not all celebrity trends will work on all figures and colourings. Just like that top that looks great on your best friend but terrible on you, celebrity styles are equally personal. Look out for celebrities that share your colouring, and see what shades they choose. Match up your figure in the same way and see what tends to work on those shaped similarly to yourself. Whilst it’s great to admire the style of others, it is crucial to consider what looks best on you before you invest in an outfit.

Secondly, celebrities are not infallible and you can learn as much from their mistakes as you can from their successes. Too many frills? Too much colour? Too short? Too long? Being able to see what it is that makes a red carpet disaster truly disastrous will help you to avoid doing the same.

Scan the archives - if you are looking for the perfect occasion dress and your scanning the red carpet photo archives for inspiration, see which dresses stand the test of time and still look fabulous five or ten years later. Dresses in these styles are sure to stand the test of time. You will be able to wear them again and again - a peculiar perk of being a mere mortal - and they will continue to make you look and feel a million dollars.

Thankfully, it’s not just us who have our eyes glued to the celebrity press. Designers at New Look and other popular high street stores are just as quick to pick up on what’s hot from your favourite fashion icons. Have a look at the New Look website for a browse at some of their dresses. This gives you several options when it comes to recreating your favourite celebrity outfits. You could go all out and splurge on the original designer item. You could buy something similar and customise it yourself to look more like the item you gleefully spotted in the pages of your favourite glossy magazine. Or you can keep your eyes on the latest high street collection to find a range of celebrity inspired dresses available at mortal-friendly prices.

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